At the call of “go,” the 12:00 clock will start. The athlete starts with their jump rope and moves through the “chipper” portion of the workout, finishing with their last set of double-unders or single-unders. After the athlete has completed the last set on the jump rope, they will move to the pull-up bar and complete as many bar muscle-ups (Rx) or pull-ups (scaled) as possible in the remaining time. The score for this workout is the TOTAL repetitions completed for the entire workout, not just the muscle-ups or pull-ups. Athletes who choose to perform the scaled version of the workout will have their scores appear right after the Rx scores on the leaderboard (so the top scaled score will be right after the lowest Rx score).

Double-unders or Single-unders:
For the double-under, the jump rope must pass completely under the athlete’s feet twice on each jump for the rep to count. On the single-under, the rope only has to pass under the athlete’s feet once on each rep. You are allowed to start the workout already holding your jump rope.

The weight on the deadlifts is the same for both divisions (185/125). Every rep starts with the barbell on the ground and finishes with the athlete standing all the way up with knees and hips in full extension. Touch-and-go reps are allowed, but excessive “bouncing” is not allowed. Sumo versions of the deadlift are not allowed.

Handstand push-ups:
On the handstand push-ups, the rep starts and ends with the athlete upside down and feet against the wall (facing away from the wall). You can use a mat under your head, but your hands must be at the same level as a mat. For example, you cannot have your hands on the ground and an abmat under your head as this would shorten your range of motion. If you would like to use something like an abmat, you would have to have your hands on plates or risers to make them even with the top of the abmat. Kipping or strict reps are allowed, but you must reach full extension with feet on the wall for the rep to count.

Hand release push-ups:
For the hand release push-ups, each rep starts and ends in a plank position with elbows fully extended. The chest must touch the ground, and the athlete’s hands must completely leave the ground at the bottom of the rep before re-engaging and pressing up to the plank position.

DB snatch:
The weight on the DB snatch is the same for each division. Each rep starts with the DB on the ground, and the athlete must reach full extension of the knees and hips, and full shoulder flexion at the top (lock the elbow out!). The athlete can switch hands at any point between reps (including on the way down), but both heads of the DB must touch the ground at the bottom before beginning the next rep. You must alternate arms, so if you fail a rep, you have to repeat that arm before switching again. Your opposite hand cannot be in contact with your body during the rep (CrossFit Open standard).

On the toes-to-bar, the athlete must establish a hang position to start the rep. Both feet must touch the bar BETWEEN the hands for the rep to count, and if stringing reps together, both feet must pass back behind the plane of the bar at the bottom (arch position).

Abmat sit-ups:
For the abmat sit-up, at the bottom, your hands must touch the ground above your head before initiating the rep upward. The rep is complete once the athlete’s torso is vertical (just touching your feet is not enough if your torso does not reach the vertical position). Arm swing is allowed here, and with each rep, you must touch the ground over your head to begin the next rep.

Bar muscle-ups:
After the athlete has completed the ‘chipper’ portion of the workout, they move to the pull-up bar to complete as many reps as possible in the remaining time of bar muscle-ups or pull-ups. For the bar muscle-up, the athlete must establish a hang position with arms straight at the bottom and finish above the bar with arms fully locked out. Any type of kip is allowed (gymnastics kip, glide kip), but the athlete’s feet must not go above the bar at any time or it will be a no-rep.

For the pull-up, kipping or strict pull-ups are allowed. Each rep starts with the athlete hanging under the bar and arms at full extension and finishes with the chin above the bar. Pronated, supinated or mixed grip is allowed.
If you have any questions, please email